Celebrating Norwich Pride Together

A Day of Celebration

On the day of Norwich's Pride March, we’re excited to support the festivities with activities that reflect the spirit of Pride:

Fabulous Performances and Music:

Join us for performances by some of Norwich’s most wonderful local drag artists, who will bring fun and energy to the celebration. And our DJ will keep the positive vibes flowing with a mix of uplifting and dance-worthy on floor 1.

Glitter Bar by MAC:

Add some extra sparkle to your Pride look with our exclusive Glitter Bar, courtesy of the MAC counter. Shine bright with all the colours of the rainbow!

Celebrating Diversity and Inclusivity:

Norwich Pride stands for celebrating diversity and inclusivity, values that deeply resonate with us at Jarrolds. The symbol of the lion represents both our famous city and our brand. In a beautiful twist of fate, a group of lions is known as a 'pride,' a fitting and powerful symbol of our commitment to serving and celebrating our local community, our local pride.

Standing Together as a Community

Our participation in Norwich Pride is more than just a celebration; it's a statement of our commitment to standing with the LGBTQIA+ community. We believe in creating a world where everyone feels valued and safe, not just for the day, but every day - and we are dedicated to supporting this vision through our actions and initiatives.

Join us as we embrace the spirit of Pride and stand together as a community.

Let’s make this Pride celebration a day to remember, filled with love, joy, and unyielding support for one another.

Together, we are proud. Proud every day.
