1. Identifying Complaints

We define a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction by a customer related to a product or service provided by us. You can lodge a complaint in any of the following ways:

  • In person – visit one of our stores
  • By phone – call 01603 660661
  • Via a conversation on our webchat
  • By email – [email protected]
  • Through online feedback after delivery

Each complaint is important to us and will be treated with the utmost care and respect, without bias.

2. Our Responsibilities to Complainants

  1. Simple and Fair Process: We provide a straightforward, fair, and structured mechanism for handling complaints.
  2. Accessibility: We ensure that every customer can make a complaint safely and without fear.
  3. Communication: We will keep you informed about the progress of your complaint and provide a reasonable timeframe for resolution.

3. Our Approach to Handling Complaints

  1. Acknowledgment: We will acknowledge your complaint as soon as possible.
  2. Initial Review: We will conduct an initial review to gather the facts and any additional information needed.
  3. Investigation: We will investigate the issue thoroughly.
  4. Notification and Compensation: We will inform you of our findings and, if necessary, offer compensation. You will also be reminded of your statutory rights.
  5. Future Prevention: We will take action to prevent similar issues in the future.

We pay particular attention to our Vulnerable Customers Policy. If you are identified as a vulnerable customer, we will provide extra care and support throughout the complaints process. 

4. Complaints Escalation Process

Our goal is to resolve your complaint at the first point of contact. If we are unable to do so to your satisfaction, the complaint will be escalated:

  1. Manager Involvement: Initially, to a manager.
  2. Executive Management: If necessary, to a member of the Leadership Team.

If you remain dissatisfied with our handling or resolution of your complaint, you may request an escalation to a relevant authority such as the Financial Ombudsman, the Financial Conduct Authority, or Trading Standards. We will support you in this process.

5. Handling Complaints About Our Staff

If your complaint involves a member of our staff, we ensure that the issue is addressed with respect and fairness:

  1. Informing the Staff Member: We will inform them about the complaint.
  2. Opportunity to Explain: They will have a clear opportunity to explain the circumstances.
  3. Support Provided: Appropriate support will be provided to them.
  4. Updates on Investigation: They will be kept informed about the investigation and its results.

6. Confidentiality and Data Protection

We treat your personal information with confidentiality and comply with Data Protection legislation. When handling a complaint, we may need to record your name and contact details, as well as all relevant details of the complaint, including:

  • The facts and cause(s) of the complaint
  • The outcome and any actions taken
  • Dates and times related to the complaint and resolution process

This information may be used in future staff training to improve our services, but your personal data will be protected and not disclosed.

We appreciate your feedback and are dedicated to resolving any issues promptly and fairly. Thank you for helping us improve our services.