Modern Slavery Statement
Our business
Jarrolds is a 250-year-old family owned; independent business based in Norfolk. The company comprises retail, property, training, and business services activities (incorporating security and cleaning services)
Our property, training and services business operates from St James Mill in Norwich. The retail division comprises 6 retail outlets, including our flagship store in the centre of Norwich. We also operate a distribution centre.
We employ around 500 colleagues, and our workforce includes a central finance, HR, and IT function as well as the teams who work in our retail outlets including a team of buyers.
Our purpose is ‘to be a family business that keeps people at its heart’ through a set of values that includes ‘We do the right thing’. Ensuring responsible corporate governance is one of our highest priorities. The following document sets out our statement and intention to raise awareness and reduce the risk of Modern Slavery.
Our supply chains
We request that suppliers provide details of their commitment to the procedures they have in place to comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Due diligence process
Our Supplier Terms and Conditions of Purchase denotes our commitment to tackling Modern Slavery and sets out the expectation our business has in terms of working with responsible suppliers. If a risk is found, we will address these and take appropriate action with the supplier in question.
Our documents in relation to Modern Slavery
We have the following policies in place that are relevant to the identification of modern slavery risks:
- Code of Conduct
- Equal Opportunities Statement
- Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy
- Dignity at Work Policy
- Grievance Procedure
- Health and Safety Policy
- Whistleblowing Policy
- Supplier Terms and Conditions of Purchase
Monitoring our compliance and steps to address Modern Slavery
This statement will be reviewed annually and any steps we have taken to reduce the risk and highlight the awareness of Modern Slavery as an issue in society, will be assessed to consider their effectiveness and any further steps that need to be adopted.
Training our colleagues
Through the policies listed above, induction and continuous training and conversation, we will highlight the issue of Modern Slavery to our colleagues.
Actions for 2022 – 2023
- We will review our internal policies to raise awareness and educate colleagues around the subject of Modern Slavery.
- Our inductions will include conversations around Modern Slavery and how to identify and report it should they feel there is a risk.
- The issue of Modern Slavery will be specifically discussed with our buying team regularly, to ensure they are taking every measure to ensure responsible purchasing.
This statement is issued in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has been approved by the Board. It reflects our actions and processes during 2021-2022 to ensure our business and supply chain is not engaging in Modern Slavery.
This statement will be reviewed annually within 6 months of the release of our annual financial year-end results.